Hi Luca,

there are some tutorial on internet. Ur BIOS must support the boot from USB,
but how u can burn the ISO on USB u can check this or other link:


2010/7/1 Merciadri Luca <luca.mercia...@student.ulg.ac.be>

> Hi,
> I have an USB key and I would like to know how I could `burn' a .iso
> image on it. I remember some weird procedure using dd, but I'm not sure,
> and I can't find the tutorial. Evidently, assuming respective BIOS
> capability, the USB key should be bootable.
> Thanks.
> --
> Merciadri Luca
> See 
> http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/<http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/%7Emerciadri/>
> I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
> client, please contact me.
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