see this link ->

replay if it is OK or not!!

From: Aaron Toponce <>
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 6:26:47 PM
Subject: Re: amd64 does net detect my wired and wireless nic at installation

On 7/19/2010 7:32 AM, Bernard Fay wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> When I try to install amd64 (Debian 5.05) on my new laptop, a Lenovo
> x201 tablet. I wish to use amd64 because I have 8GB for RAM and I think
> 64-bit is now the way to go.  The installer does not detect neither my
> wired or wireless NIC.  The installer gives me a list of network adapter
> drivers, I select the the appropriate drivers but it keeps saying it
> cannot find the network hardware.
> I tried Ubuntu amd64 and it was succesful but I would prefer to go with
> Debian.
> Someone has a clue on this problem?

I had a similar problem with my HP Mini 110. The NIC driver, although
FOSS, was not in the Lenny kernel. The wireless driver is Broadcom,
which relies on a binary blob. So, I needed to use a recent build of the
Squeeze installer, that had a kernel with the NIC driver. I was then
able to do a successful netinst, after which I could get everything else

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