Le dimanche 22 août, Memnon Anon écrivit :

> Kamaraju S Kusumanchi <raju.mailingli...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Interesting! I searched for
> > difference between "w95 FAT32" and "w95 FAT32 (LBA)"
> > in google. All the results are pretty useless. What did you search for?
> "w95 fat32 w95 fat32 lba cfdisk"
> So I only added cfdisk and my hit is there on the first page.
> > thanks. That helps.
> Great. :)
> If you find a page that describes the different format more extensively,
> please write a mail and add the link to this thread.
> So the next person that googles it will be hopefully more lucky :)
> Memnon "too lazy to keep on searching" Anon

Beware, when you choose a partition type in cfdisk (or fdisk), it
doesn't format anything.
It just fill a record with an ID, wich is meant to indicate what type of
formatting will be on it.

You can format a FAT32 filesystem on a Linux Type partition.
But I think some OS will not see it, because they would look only at the
type they know in the partition table, without searchink to know what
really is on each partition.

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