Rob Owens <> writes:

> On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 03:16:42AM -0700, Fatih Tiryakioglu wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I wanted to remove trash folder, but home folder/home/user is gone. There
>> was only one user. I couldn't start any program. When I restarted computer,
>> I couldn't login. How can I recover system. Please help..
> As someone else said, don't perform any more writes to the disk.
> Boot with a live CD, such as Debian Live, Knoppix, or Ubuntu.  apt-get
> install testdisk.  Then run a program called "photorec".  This may be
> able to find any important files that you deleted.


I'm afraid I have the same problem today.

But, when I reboot with the live CD, the damage will get worse, won't it?

The partition with the deleted files is hda6, but I have access also to hda8.
What about copying photorec executable there?  It should not interfere with


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