on Sat, 11 Sep 2010 15:38:04 -0400, brownh
<871v90ax5v....@teufel.historicalmaterialism.info> attacked their terminal with

Random Blithering Curiosity... Is the gateway a NAPT?

I had this problem for a while where I would be fine on the inside, then as
soon as I went to the outside, I'd get the same problem you're experiencing.
Checking the following fixed my problems:

1) don't ssh as root unless you /have/ to.
2) Check that your NA(P)T allows port 22 on TCP *and* UDP, incoming and
3) try using an SSH key. This occasionally fixes things.

I have a Lenny box sitting on my desk that I SSH to all the time with the
default configuration. Nothing special, just the default OpenSSH-server

For those who were confused:
The setup as it looks like to me is this:

 this configuration /works/.
 This does not.

This leads me to beg that there is either a configuration issue that says "Dont
let anyone who's not on my local network talk to me" or a configuration issue
with port translation.

Morgan Gangwere
Key ID A8B6F243, available from MIT.
BOFH excuse #220:

Someone thought The Big Red Button was a light switch.

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