On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 10:51:21 +1000
Scott Ferguson <prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The key is legitimate (confirmed by Intel)  - what has been
> misreported is that the key is used for encrypting the contents of
> the disk... the disks are encrypted using AACS,  it's the stream from
> the player to the screen that is encrypted with HDCP.
> The key (I want it printed on a bedsheet) is most likely to turn up
> in a FPGA board, to be used by people wanting to rip the stream (need
> fast RAID and a few TB of space).

You would need around about 1TB of space for 1 movie uncompressed and
the FPGA/raid would need to be able to sustain around about 120-200MB/s.

So it would need to be a highend FPGA/Raid, but the whole thing could
probs be had for around about £1000 + disks.


Angus Hedger

Debian GNU/Linux User   PGP Public Key 0xEE6A4B97

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