Hi Phil,

On 20 September 2010 11:37, Phil Requirements <simultane...@comcast.net> wrote:

> The scheme that is called Light does not seem very light to me.  I see
> that it has more contrast than the Dark theme, but it still uses a
> dark background and dark window titles. Overall, it still looks like a
> dark theme to me, albeit one with more contrast. Maybe the name is
> misleading?

Yeah you are right there. I am not the best at naming thing things. It
was a friend the came up with the name of the theme for me. Maybe I
can call the the lighter font one 'Debian LibStick Dark Contrast' and
leave the other called 'Debian LibStick Dark'.

> When I think about a typical light theme, I think of a light colored
> background with dark text.  For example, the editor that is showing in
> one of the screenshots is using the GTK theme Clearlooks (I
> think). That is a light theme because it uses white and light gray
> backgrounds, black text, and color for accents.

The GTK theme I am using is 'Murrina-Leopard-Mod' with the
'gtk2-engines-murrine' as the murrine engine seems to be a lot faster
than Clearlooks.

> It might be nice to have a true light theme for people who like those.
> Apparently, a lot of people like them. Or it might suffice to change
> the name of the existing second theme? I guess I would vote for more
> difference between the two themes.

As I am not much of an artist I have yet to find a nice Debian light
background to use, maybe the default 'debian-blueish-wallpaper.svg'
will do. I have been thinking of doing a proper light version Fluxbox

> Some ideas to take or leave, no need to change anything on my account.

Thanks for your input it very much appreciated :-)

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