On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 09:48:12PM +0100, Sven Hoexter wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 09:13:04PM +0100, Jochen Schulz wrote:
> > But I tend to agree with what another poster said: Ubuntu may be the
> > right place to try things like this. Debian isn't, but it still may
> > profit from the experience. Without being a Ubuntu fanboy, I hope this
> > experiment won't damage their reputation.
> There've been times in the past when Debian was the playground to
> introduce new cool technology. It's strange that nowdays people expect
> Debian to stay away from it. It even reverts the upstream/downstream
> relationship with Ubuntu.

I do find this a bit of an odd attitude as well to be honest.  Debian
isn't, and shouldn't, be about blindly accepting and packaging stuff
from other people.  We also have a lot of talented developers, many
of whom are deeply involved with hundreds of upstream projects in
addition to Debian-specific projects.

While making Wayland the default right now is probably a bad move,
there's no reason why it can't be packaged and available in Debian
for people wanting to test it.

Ironically, Wayland is mainly a RedHat-funded project, which I do
wish all the best.  But it's yet another example of Ubuntu picking
up someone else's work and getting all the glory.  This time, they
may well be jumping the gun; how many people here have actually
used it?  It's likely not ready for prime-time just yet.  When it is,
I'm sure you'll see it in Debian.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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