In <>, Gary Roach wrote:
>I have meticulously removed netatalk from
>the system a piece at a time using  the information in

That was bad.  Now your package system in broken; it's database doesn't 
correspond to the running system.

>The problem now seems to be the Aptitude database.
>Netatalk is marked with a Cp code and won't do anything until it tries
>to process netatalk. Of course, it immediately errors out.

Please post the error.  There are at least 3 ways I can think of for removing 
netatalk to fail and they are each fixed differently.

>How can I
>change the Aptitude database manually.

You don't want to do that.  First of all, the aptitude database is fairly 
limited, it basically just stores which packages are "automatically 
installed".  In Squeeze, it doesn't even keep that, since APT grew that 

You also don't want to twiddle bits in the apt or dpkg databases, usually.  
The vast majority of failed dpkg runs I've seen on this list are solvable by 
editing the maintainer scripts {pre,post}{inst,rm} and then do a purge or 
remove/install cycle.  Fixing things this way makes sure human error doesn't 
hopelessly corrupt your dpkg/apt/aptitude databases, which are only broken by 
the existing dpkg/apt/aptitude in extremely rare cases.  In fact, it is so 
rare, I can't immediately recall it ever occurring.

>I would love to reinstall Aptitude at this point but that
>doesn't work either.

I don't see how that would help.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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