On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 17:04 +0000, Neil Youngman wrote:
> On Friday 07 Jan 2011 16:45:41 you wrote:
> > Neil Youngman wrote:
> > > Since I "upgraded" to testing my system has been slow, occasionally to
> > > the point that I have power cycled it because I couldn't get it to
> > > respond to anything else.
> > 
> > What upgrade did you do? From Sid to Squeeze or from Squeeze to Sid?
> > Was that a dist-upgrade?
> Lenny to sid, with apt-get dist-upgrade.

So, what did you do exactly? I am asking, because upgrading from Lenny
to sid is *not* as easy as replacing "lenny" with "sid" in your
sources.list and running "apt-get dist-upgrade".

It is a much better idea to follow the process outlined in the release
notes [1] in order to upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze. You can upgrade to
sid afterwards.

It would be great if you could save the attached script and provide the
output of the following command:

    # for dist in lenny squeeze sid; do 
        echo $dist; 
        list_repositories | grep $dist | wc -l; 

That will give us an idea of how many packages have been upgraded and
how many are still in some kind of limbo. Once we are sure that you have
indeed upgraded your complete system to sid (why sid anyway?) we can
start working on your performance problems.


[1] http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/releasenotes
  .''`.     Wolodja Wentland    <wolodja.wentl...@ed.ac.uk> 
 : :'  :    
 `. `'`     4096R/CAF14EFC 
   `-       081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

dpkg -l \
    | awk '/^.i/ {print $2}' \
    | xargs apt-cache policy \
    | awk '/^[a-z0-9.\-]+:/ {pkg=$1}; /\*\*\*/ {OFS="\t"; ver=$2; getline; 
print pkg,ver,$2,$3}'

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