Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:

   I am hoping to buy  Gateway 700CX computer
   which comes with ATI Radeon 9600G card. I list archives don't seem to
   have anything about it; they do talk about the Radeon 9000. Has
   anyone any experience with it with Debian? I will probably be
   installing unstable on it. From what I have read the ATI Radeon cards
   do not seem to be well supported.

Any suggestions will be gratefully appreciated

I just upgraded my old nvidia card to an ATI Radeon 9800. It works great. ATI has binary drivers on their website for their radeon cards. There is also an OSS dri project for them that works, but based on what I've seen do not perform as well. ATI cards are very well supported on linux. I too thought they weren't. The binary drivers come with utilities to configure X for you, acceleration is fast, common games like quake3 run great, etc.

The only thing to be mindful of is that unlike nvidia, the ATI drivers REQUIRE that your kernel recognize you agp chipset. Even if the ati drivers override agpgart, agpgart must still recognize your chipset. This caused much agravation for me. I'm using a kt400 chipset on the motherboard that isn't well supported in 2.4. I wound up installing 2.6.0 and installed a port of ati's kernel module. There is a backport for 2.4 that helps fix kt400 support. I just went with 2.6 as I wanted to see how it was shaping up anyways.

That all said, the ATI card works well for me.

2.6 kernel driver port of ATI's latest driver:

Here's how a friend of mine setup the open source ATI drivers.

hope that helps. I've found that the ATI drivers work well. The nvidia drivers would cause lockups in X once in a while. So far things seem more stable.



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Each claimed as the infallible word of GOD.
Misquoted, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misapplied.
Maybe that's why he doesn't do any more interviews." -


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