On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 15:23 -0500, Celejar wrote:

> I'm curious - everyone has always seemed to love ThinkPads, but I've
> never understood what exactly makes them so popular.  I'm not
> disagreeing or challenging - I've never used one, and I just want to
> understand why everyone swears by them.

A lot of important aspects have already been noted in this thread, but
apart from superb Linux support, wonderful keyboards, durable hardware
and the good looks (sic!) another *very* important aspect is the
hardware maintenance support from IBM/Lenovo.

What I mean by that:

    * You have access to the original hardware maintenance manuals, used
      by Lenovo/IBM technicians themselves. (c.f. [0] for T60)

      These manuals contain detailed instructions to perferm almost
      *any* maintenance work you might ever want/have to perform on your

    * You can easily order original replacement parts (CRU/FRU) directly
      from IBM/Lenovo or from third party retailer. You know the exact
      part numbers and have access to the complete range from screws to
      displays or mainboards. [1]

      Have a look! Where do you get this level of information and

    * You are *allowed* to perform a wide range of things without
      voiding your warranty.

I am not aware of any other vendor that provides this kind of support
for laptops or other hardware in general.

[0] http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/MIGR-62733.html

[1] http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-62741
  .''`.     Wolodja Wentland    <wolodja.wentl...@ed.ac.uk>
 : :'  :
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