On 21/02/2011 03:32 μμ, Martin Kraus wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 12:40:19PM +0200, Γιώργος Πάλλας wrote:
>> Hello to all!
>> I have a DELL laptop running debian squeeze where I cannot find whether
>> it is connected on AC power or not. On an EEE laptop, I can check that
>> using the info in the file /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC0/state, but such
>> file does not exist on the DELL laptop. But KDE shows me correctly the
>> relevant info on the battery state icon. Where does it take its info from?
> Hi. If you have powermgmt-base installed (and you probably have because
> pm-utils needs it), you can use on_ac_power script. 
> it's written in shell so you can look at it to see how the ac state is
> determined if you are interested.
> mk

I found it:

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