Stephen Powell put forth on 3/12/2011 8:30 AM:

> I have to admit that tops my story.  But I think I can do better.
> I once tore up the wall of my living room trying to find an
> electrical problem, only to discover that the reason that the
> electrical outlet wouldn't work was that it was a switched outlet
> and the switch was off!  That was bad enough.  But to add insult
> to injury, I actually have a four-year college degree in electrical
> engineering!  You'd think that an electrical engineer could figure
> out that the switch was off, wouldn't you?
> Now *that* was embarrassing!

BS EE != journeyman electrician, nor apprentice electrician, not even
shade tree electrician

A BS EE friend of mine asked myself and another friend to install a car
stereo for him as he had no clue how to go about it.


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