On 12.3.2011 23:50, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
> Is it  all about running gedit? 
> Although I can't imagine why you can't use vim, emacs or even nano from
> ssh it's pretty possible to download a copy of the file, edit it with
> your preferred editor and upload it back to the server.

I'm not the OP, I just told my case.I use vim 99.9% of my edits,when
sometimes I need gedit for something that I can not do with vim (because
I just can't, I have never learned the keyboard commands for vim, except
very basic insert,append,delete ;)).

Xserver on windows is mandatory too, as some software from commercial
sources (IBM, Oracle in my case) require X, so it is not so hard.

Windows editor with sftp-support is not what I want, I work on Linux
command line anyway.

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