security updates
protocol updates (IPv6 is comming to town)
most users deal better with smaller and incremental interface changes

2011/4/5 Mark <>

> Hypothetically if a user doesn't want to upgrade to Squeeze, what would
> they have to do once Lenny stops being supported by Debian?  Let's assume
> the machines are used primarily for web surfing, including using flash.
> Would they need to install Firefox manually once Lenny stops getting updates
> for Iceweasel?  What other hiccups would they encounter?  If the machines
> run great with Lenny then what is the reason to give a user to upgrade if
> they're perfectly happy with what they have and don't want it changed?
> Thanks for any ideas.
> Mark

Leonardo Ruoso - Jornalista/Desenvolvedor
Assessoria de Imprensa. Consultoria de Marketing. Desenvolvimento e
Integração de Software.
Comunicação Social/Jornalismo - UFC/2006. Telecomunicações - ETFCE/1998.
Foos, Perl, Debian Gnu/Linux, Agile, UML, DBA e OOP. Coaching/NLP. Inglês e
Francês. -

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