On Lu, 11 apr 11, 11:49:32, Joel Rees wrote:
> Sure, when debian updates its kernel, dpkg (I assume) will know to
> re-run update-grub or call the lower level routines directly. But when
> I run yum update in Fedora, how does debian know about that?
> So, I have to watch the packages yum grabs in fedora, and when it
> grabs a new kernel, I have to remember to boot into debian and run
> update-grub there before I let fedora boot again, or my attempt to
> re-boot fedora with the new kernel will be foiled by debian's grub.

Hmm, from my (limited) experience and a lot of d-u lurking I can think 
of two possible approaches to this:

1. shared /boot

Assuming other distros' grub works similarly as Debian's this would make 
sure that your boot menu always has an updated list of kernels. However, 
this does not solve the problem with the default kernel, because other 
distros seem to use the full version in the kernel name[1]

2. chain-loading

Let each distro/install put it's own grub (or whatever bootloader) in 
the first sector of its own (boot) partition and have one "master" grub 
in the MBR with a minimal *static* grub.cfg. This would allow setting 
defaults like "Fedora" or "Debian squeeze" and let the chain-loaded 
bootloader deal with choosing the specific kernel you want.

Option 1. might work very well for multiple Debian installs only[2] but 
at least the GRUB_DEFAULT setting in /etc/default/grub would have to be 
synced. Not sure how this would work with lenny+grub2 and sid since 
grub2 has seen quite some changes.

Option 2. seems a bit more difficult to setup, but should be the more 
flexible one and the only downside I can see is grub's warning about 
installing it in partitions.

[1] whether this is actually a good idea is another discussion
[2] which is my case now on my laptop, with a sid and a squeeze install. 
I'll try it out as soon as I can squeeze (ha :) out some space for a 
dedicated /boot partition.

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