On Mon, 2011-04-25 at 22:35 +0900, J.Hwan.Kim wrote: 
> Hi, everyone
> >From onetime ago,  In my desktop screen,
> the icons of direcotry and files in my home folder appears.
> When I remove the icon in my desktop screen,
> the folder of that icons is removed really.
> I do not like the icons of my folder appears in default desktop screen.
> How can I remove the icons not erasing real directories and files in my
> folder?
> My system is squeeze.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards,
> J.Hwan Kim

Assuming gnome:
start gconf-editor (start with terminal or the menu: Applications -
System tools - Configuration editor)
go to apps - nautilus - desktop
There you can find check boxes to enable/disable some icons (network,
computer, home directory and trash)

Kind regards,

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