Jeroen Van Aart wrote:
> I see one of the main reasons spam emails actually make it to the list 
> is the policy of allowing non subscribers to email the list. I find this 
> policy, even though it's commendable, not something suited for this day 
> and age of email abuse.


> A mailing list that only allows subscribers to send and receive email 
> is not closed. Anyone is still allowed to subscribe. It does not in my 
> opinion mean you're dictating anything. It just means you take email 
> abuse seriously and try your best to prevent spam from reaching 
> people.

I think of spammers like terrorist, abusing the internet. If defending 
from them makes the internet less free then they won.

> If preventing non subscribers from sending email is too big of a step 
> you can always automatically moderate emails from non subscribers and 
> only then release the emails when they're found to not be spam.

This is not doable as the amount of spam is too big for humans to 

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