I maintain several machines with Squeeze and Lenny, and they have
cron-apt running.

The lenny machines report this (via logcheck)

System Events
Jun  7 04:59:30 www128 cron-apt: W: Failed to fetch
http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/dists/lenny/Release  Unable to find
expected entry  nonfree/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed
Release file?)
Jun  7 04:59:30 www128 cron-apt:
Jun  7 04:59:30 www128 cron-apt: W: Failed to fetch
http://security.debian.org/dists/lenny/updates/Release  Unable to find
expected entry  nonfree/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file
(malformed Release file?)
Jun  7 04:59:30 www128 cron-apt:
Jun  7 04:59:30 www128 cron-apt: W: Failed to fetch
 Unable to find expected entry  nonfree/binary-amd64/Packages in
Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)
Jun  7 04:59:30 www128 cron-apt:

What might be wrong? I just installed cron-apt and let it go.


You'll feel much better once you've given up hope.

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