Steef writes:

hi list,

bought my self a hp mini-netbook, included windoze7 and a very strong accu, 10
hours of life.

i put sid on an usb-stick, included fluxbox and wicd(-curses).

wifi = (lspci) brcm4313. (type 5.60.350.6)

loaded/installed the according the debian broadcom-  (broadcom 43xx wireless
drivers)  -wiki convenient driver_firmware. the driver should be included in
the sid_kernel, so i understood. however: this wifi_driver does not work.

my questions: what did i do wrong if anything (1) ?


broadcom assued a so-called xxx-STA driver (by google) somebody with some
experience with this brcm4313 driver for linux (tar.gz) does this one work for
my mini_netbook (2) ?

if i find a working driver i can get rid of w7.


Hi Stef;

My $.02...

Broadcoms can be incredible cards, hardware based and I have been able to do 
monitor/injection with them via tools like aireplay...

But, they can be very VERY finicky on Linux systems, I have had them not work, 
upon re-install, they work. I have had them work and all the sudden stop 
working, I fight the thing to the ground and wind up formatting again cursing 
the devices name.

What I'm getting at is they are hardware based cards, and quite the reverse of 
the WinModem days, though I don't fully understand why, the fact that they are 
hardware driven cards makes them incredibly hard to maintain on Linux. 
least this is my experience.

My suggestion, pay $7 - $15 and get an Athros card, although technologically 
INFERIOR (software driven, equivalent to what WinModems were) they work 
incredibly well on Linux systems and get WORNDERFUL signal strength...

Helpful at all?

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