Paul Stuffins wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Paul Stuffins wrote:
> > > I am a long time CentOS user, and have decided, after several months of
> > > consideration, to move my hosting from CentOS to Debian.
> > >     root@hydrogen:~# apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
> That is excellent, thanks Bob.
> I used to be quite a fan of CentOS, but over the past year or so I have
> noticed the support quality has dropped quite alot, and the recent process
> of getting CentOS 6 out was a nightmare.

If you are newly arrived at Debian then let me say another few hints
about apache2 that are quite different from CentOS.  You probably
already know this but just in case let me send a hint.

Look at the commands a2enmod and a2ensite along with the opposites
a2dismod and a2dissite.  They are not required, you can do everything
manually, but they are convenient for setting enabling modules and
sites for Apache.

All of the modules are installed in /etc/apache2/mods-available/ but
are not active unless linked into /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ which can
be done with the a2enmod command.  By default when you install apache2
you will get a basic set of modules loaded.

  Enabling site default.
  Enabling module alias.
  Enabling module autoindex.
  Enabling module dir.
  Enabling module env.
  Enabling module mime.
  Enabling module negotiation.
  Enabling module setenvif.
  Enabling module status.
  Enabling module auth_basic.
  Enabling module deflate.
  Enabling module authz_default.
  Enabling module authz_user.
  Enabling module authz_groupfile.
  Enabling module authn_file.
  Enabling module authz_host.
  Enabling module reqtimeout.

Only 17 out of the 69 default modules are loaded.  That is a good
basic start.  But if you desire to load up others then they need to be
enabled first.  You can name them on the command line or if not then
it will prompt you.

  # a2enmod ssl

And so forth for other modules.  And there are additional modules
available to be installed through APT.


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