*hi again,

I can boot from the disk 2, if disk 1  is remove logically ( by command
mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sda1)*
If I remove the disk ( physically from the machine), it doen't work.

here the output of mdstat ,  we see that we have just /dev/sdb  it is
working,  but the disk one is physically attached.** and without removing
physically  the disk from the machine.*
cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md1 : active raid1 sdb2[1]
      58617784 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]

md0 : active raid1 sdb1[1]
      19529656 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]

unused devices: <none>

In the BIOS setup the disk 2 is always declared slave ( may be it simulate
and IDE conf). BIOS problem??

any idea

thanks a lot
best regards

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