Dan B. wrote:
> I tried swapping the left Control key and Caps Lock key by modifying
> the XKBOPTIONS value in /etc/default/keyboard, per instructions that
> said it would take effect for both the virtual consoles and X.
> However, it works only for the virtual consoles, and not for X (neither
> when started by GDM nor when started by startx (with GDM disabled)).
> This on a fresh Squeeze installation.  (Hmm.  A freshly Squeezed
> compu... never mind.)
> Is something else necessary?  Or are those instructions obsolete?

I have been having some problems around this area and haven't
concluded as to the problem yet.  I don't know if I am having the same
problem or a different problem but will share what I know.

Previously keyboard remapping was handled by the console-tools
package.  I used the console-tools package package files
(/etc/init.d/console-screen.sh and /etc/console-tools/remap) to remap
the keyboard.  The console-tools package worked perfectly.  But that
package is now deprecated in favor of the kbd package.

I have been trying to recreate the same functionality of using the
keyboard remap file under kbd.  It doesn't work.  kbd checks to see if
setupcon from the console-setup package is installed and if so kbd
ignores the remap file.  Okay.  But console-setup doesn't do keyboard
remapping that I can see.  And it violates policy by shipping an empty
directory in /usr/share/doc/console-tools instead of required files
there.  Seems in need of love and attention.  So for the moment I have
fallen back to install-keymap and xmodmap.  Eventually I would like to
have this figured out but there are only so many hours in the day.

Again, I don't know if this will be related to your problem or not.


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