On Vi, 28 oct 11, 12:03:00, Mark Panen wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having problems with *.jpg and *.pdf attachments in icedove.
> Some open some don't, i use okular for the pdf's but sometimes
> icedove asks me to save the file, which i don't want to do.
> The preferences are set up correctly.

The problem is more complex:

1. iceweasel has it's own list of file types/handlers

2. the same type of file (e.g. .pdf) is distributed differently by sites

A possible solution for both could be an extension that enabled 
iceweasel to use the systems MIME type database, but can't find it right 
now. Even then, some sites are just broken, and you will need to add 
entries (in iceweasel or the system MIME type database) for each of 
those "file types".

Hmm... I almost sent the mail when I noticed you asked about icedove not 
iceweasel, but the above should apply to both.

Hope this helps,
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