Scott Ferguson <> writes:

>> Exchange of files between debian desktop and solaris zfs servers.

> Nested?
> ACLs?

I'm not sure what you're asking there... Don't know what Nested means
in this context... but as for ACLs, well no... there is no need for
that in my setup... its a single user sort of setup.

Unless you just mean setting things up so access is easy on both ends.


> That's easy with BSD - I've minimal recent experience at fixing problems
> with nfs4.1 and zfs (Solaris) - meaning it's always taken about 2
> minutes to setup. Maybe I just got lucky, maybe that and because I never
> wasted my time with unfs3 ;-)

2 minutes... eh?... maybe you can say how you setup the solaris server
far as nfs4 goes?


> Solaris
> With ACLs see this:-
> For a more succinct explanation than I'd provide.

Oh, never mind saying how you did it...

 I hadn't seen that site before but it looks quite a bit more
 extensive than what I vaguely remembered (But that was for nfs3).
 The trusty chmod -R A=everyone@[...] shown there is quite a lot more
 extensive than the one I recall:

   chmod -R A=everyone@:full_set:fd:allow

But they might mean the same thing... 

Anyway... thanks for that site... looks like it has everything needed
to get this working... I haven't finished setting things up yet... so
can't say if I've been successful yet.

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