John W. Foster wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-11-23 at 09:42 -0600, John W. Foster wrote:
>> On Wed, 2011-11-23 at 00:21 +0100, deloptes wrote:
>> > John W. Foster wrote:
>> > 
>> > > /usr/share/perl5/LaTeXML/texmf
>> > 
>> > you need to setup the environment correctly, so that texmf finds the
>> > package
>> > 
>> > i.e. using the variable TEXINPUTS or so
> second page:
> I have found this in system wide .bashrc:
>> # Enable sage in Texinputs systems wide.
>> export TEXINPUTS="/home/MyName/sage/local/share/texmf//:"
> These instructions from the web are for fixing the issue;
>> The environmental variable TEXINPUTS controls where LATEX searches for
>> input les, the de- fault is:
>> 1. First your current directory.
>> 2. Second the local ifp styles held in /ifp/latex/ and its
>> subdirectories. 3. Third the standard system LATEX directories, where are
>> held in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ and its subdirectories.
>> which is what most people want.
>> The common change people want to make is to add their own local style
>> directory. If this is in an directory mystyles in you home directory then
>> in your .bashrc le put. export
>> TEXINPUT=.:/Home/loginname/mystyles/:$TEXINPUTS Note is must have an
>> initial `.' or it will fail to read input from your current directory.
>> Also do not forget to append the default TEXINPUTS or nothing will work!
>> The BSTINPUT variable determines where LATEX looks for BiBTeX styles les.
>> By default it is set the the same at TEXINPUTS; this is to allow revtex4
>> to work correctly. It has exactly the same syntax as TEXINPUTS and can be
>> changed in exactly the same way
> Question is how to incorporate them both. This sage installation is a
> big part of what I trying to accomplish. I need the incorporated export
> to be system wide & cover all the changes to TEXINPUTS. BTW where are
> the portions for $TEXINPUTS; seems they should be here too.
> Still accepting ANY ideas...
> Thanks!
> frosty

look into


I would setup the PATH (TEXINPUTS) in /etc/profile if it is system wide
installation. The same for BSTINPUT 

When I started using LaTeX it took a few years to become a mature user, so
be patient ... and start reading docs please. I agree that there is a lot
of info and some of it is cryptic, but please do your homework. 
You could also ask someone experienced around you to set it up and buy a
beer or so ... At least my sister did so ... :-) Well in my case it was a
cocktail that I got :-)

A good starting point is

If you are planning to work a lot with LaTeX then I suggest you create a
dedicated setup for this ... i.e. in a virtual machine, so you don't mess
up with the system after configuration. After it is working you should
NEVER touch it ... people nowdays are doing silly updates ... and then
complain :-)

I would help better if I could


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