> This sounds reminiscent of <http://bugs.debian.org/642802>.

> It would be a serious bug, except the necessary version of tar had been in
> squeeze for more than a year already.  What version of tar were you
> using when you ran into this?  (/var/log/dpkg.log should say.)  What
> error message did you get from aptitude when problems arose?  (I think
> aptitude keeps this kind of information somewhere in /var/log, such as
> aptitude.log or term.log, but I'm not sure.)

> Thanks,
> Jonathan
Hi Jonathan, 

yes, you are right! It is exactly the problem/behaviour described in the bug 
above. And it is the same error message I got. 

Sorry, I cannot send a log, as the notebook I discovered this, was not mine 
and is already changed to testing.

I suppose, to change squeeze to the version of tar in wheezy would do the 
trick, but it would break debian stable rules. However, this is a bug, which 
might inhibit the next release, so it should be fixed.

Best regards



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