On Ma, 27 dec 11, 15:20:05, Andrew Baxter wrote:
> Hello,
> I have volunteered to do a bit of work for a small free software
> project (https://buddycloud.org), packaging the different parts of
> their system. This will initially be for debian but possibly for
> other distros as well at some point.
> What I am looking for is a program which can take each of the
> components which make up buddycloud through the various steps of
> downloading a new version, building it, packaging it, and adding the
> package file to an archive. Ideally we want to be able to have more
> than one release - e.g. a bleeding edge dev release and a stable
> release.

These should get you running:

buildd and friends (sbuild, cowbuilder, pbuilder, wanna-build)
reprepro, apt-ftparchive (package apt-utils)

As far as I recall dak is not documented because it is too Debian 
specific, but the code is free.

Hope this helps,
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