Camaleón wrote:
On Sat, 07 Jan 2012 10:54:52 -0600, hvw59601 wrote:

Camaleón wrote:
On Fri, 06 Jan 2012 19:19:49 +0000, Brian wrote:


A little off the topic of your mail (and rhetorical) I wonder what
your reaction will be when testing gets the new sysvinit?
What "new sysvinit"? You mean "systemd"? :-?

I've only read about problems and headaches coming from users and
admins for systemd which is currently the default init system for
another distributions so let's see how Debian handles this. My first
impression is that distributions made the transtition too soon... these
things need time to:

a) Get users and admins accustomed to the new system

b) Solving the highest number of problems/bugs before it reaches the

c) Write down detailed documentation for users migrating from sysvinit
and newcomers

That package (systemd) is in Sid. What determines that it must be used?
Deactivation of sysv-rc?

Mmm, AFAIK sysvinit and systemd can "coexist", but I don't know how to give preference to one of them. Maybe by some sort of variable in "/etc/
default/*"? :-?

Let me read the docs... okay, it is documented at "/usr/share/doc/systemd/

systemd for Debian

systemd can be installed alongside sysvinit and will not change the
behaviour of the system out of the box.  This is intentional.  To test
systemd, add:


to the kernel command line and then rebooting, or install the
systemd-sysv package.

Does that mean systemd will be "voluntary" for the foreseeable future?
(And how did you read the docs of systemd, you installed it?)


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