The man page for console_codes explains that there are two fonts
available (G0 and G1) with commands ^O and ^N to switch between them.
Furthermore, it is possible replace the standard font for G1 (VT100
graphics) with a user-defined character set.

I have not been able to make all this work but it suggests I could have
any characters I want by constructing an appropriate user-defined
character set for G1 and switching between G0 and G1 as needed.

Currently the character sets for G0 and G1 seem to be identical so the
commands ^O and ^N seem to have no effect.  The console_codes man page
includes references to man pages for ncurses and reset.  My system has
no man page for ncurses but the man page for reset includes the command
^Jreset^J which works and changes the current character set to a much
smaller font size, again with no difference between G0 and G1.

Question:  Should this all work as described? Is it obsolete?

It is promising and worth studying if I can make it all function as
described.  If any one is using these options I would very much like to
learn from your experiences.


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