Seems like this could be made easier by mailing the .reg file (or throwing
it in a webspace someplace) with the correct key and value already set.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Don deJuan <> wrote:

> On 02/21/2012 03:58 PM, Doug wrote:
>> On 2/21/2012 1:00 AM, Don deJuan wrote:
>>> On 02/20/2012 09:51 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
>>>> Hendrik Boom wrote:
>>>>> I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0). Every time
>>>> It's UTC. Having the hardare clock in UTC is normal and standard.
>>>>  I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
>>>>> takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually
>>>>> local
>>>>> time. I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time
>>>>> is.
>>>> The basic problem is that Windows keeps the hardware clock in
>>>> localtime but modern systems keep the hardware clock in UTC. They are
>>>> fundamentally incompatible.
>>>> You can configure Debian's /etc/default/rcS to keep the hardware clock
>>>> in local time too. (With UTC=no) But if you only dual boot very
>>>> rarely then I wouldn't do it. I would simply live with Windows having
>>>> messed up time. It should be fine when you boot Debian.
>>>> It is fine when you boot Debian, right? If not then install 'ntp' and
>>>> it will be fine.
>>>>  What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
>>>>> clock. I'd really like it to just leave it alone.
>>>> Windows is just /displaying/ the clock as localtime, not setting the
>>>> clock, right? That is what I see when I dual boot a machine.
>>>> By the way... The date on your email is UTC. Is that also your local
>>>> time zone too?
>>>>  Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 04:55:14 +0000 (UTC)
>>>> Bob
>>> In windows open regedit go to:
>>> HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\**Control\TimeZoneInformation
>>> add a DWORD with name of "RealTimeIsUniversal" exactly as its entered
>>> there and set the value to 1. Now you can have windows time play nice
>>> with any linux distro, no matter if you use localtime or UTC.
>>>  I'm confused. In another post of a few minutes ago, I asked about this
>> dword (DWORD?) business.
>> Could you please post the entire string correctly, with whatever dword
>> or DWORD is supposed to be and 000001 or 1 or whatever
>> that's supposed to be.
>> Thank you. --doug
>> --doug
> For me and from my understanding the "windows" way to solve this is.
> regedit
> 2. go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\**CurrentControlSet\Control\**
> TimeZoneInformation\
> 3. Add in "RealTimeIsUniversal"
> 4. Give it a hex value of "1" -- this is the 'DWORD'
> 5. save
> 6. shutdown windows
> 7. profit ;)
> Does this make sense now? If it does not a simple google of regedit
> windows time linux gives lots of tutorials as a result. But giving it the
> value in regedit makes it so no matter when you log in/boot Windows, it
> will no longer mess with the time settings and any Linux OS can now run as
> UTC or localtime with Windows no longer making changes to the time that
> effect Linux.
> --
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