Bonno Bloksma wrote:
> indeed, there is no /dev/sda6 yet.
> Why is /dev/sda6 not there yet? What step am I missing?

Next time run 'partprobe' to request the OS to re-read the partition

> root@wwwgw:~# umount /var
> Then first a filesystem check as that seems to be needed before resizing. Not 
> doing so will give me a warning although this was not mentioned in the HOWTOs 
> I have read.
> root@wwwgw:~# fsck -f /dev/vgroup1/lvvar
> root@wwwgw:~# resize2fs /dev/vgroup1/lvvar
> root@wwwgw:~# mount /var

It is not necessary to unmount a logical volume before resizing it.
Online resizing is supported and works well.  Simply resize it.


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