On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 01:08:35AM -0400, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
| Monique Y. Herman wrote:
| >I just found vim-gnome in unstable, which seems to be the gnome 2
| >equivalent of vim-gtk.
| >
| >hope that helps someone; I seem to remember hearing some outcry about it
| >recently.
| Since vim-gtk is built against GTK2, wouldn't having a build against
| GNOME2 be a bit redundant?  Aren't they the same thing?

No, GNOME and GTK are not identical.  The GNOME platform uses GTK as
the underlying GUI toolkit, but adds some widgets and pre-defined
layouts.  For example, the GNOME 1 Ok/Cancel dialog (eg when quitting
vim with a modified buffer) is prettier than the GTK 1.2 equivalent

(I just wish the GTK2 fonts would look decent!  I have a decent font
in xterm and vim-gtk (GTK1.2)!)


Consider what God has done:
    Who can straighten what He has made crooked?
        Ecclesiastes 7:13

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