
   is this another one of those weird spams, like the ones that were
coming from aol?

   Anyway, I'll try to help just in case it's for real.
* liana hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031009 15:59]:
> hi well im sending you this to see if maybe you can help me. my
> computer burner is not working.

What sort of computer burner are you using? I find that the gas type
are very effective at burning almost any hardware. Just turn the
valve, put a match to the gas and point the resulting flame at your

> everytime i open it it says it cannot open driver.

Ahh, interesting doesn't sound like a gas burner at all. But it
doesn't sound like your OS is Linux either.

> Can you please help. i would really appreciate it. rosa

Please post your question to a Windows or barbecue list.



Debian testing/unstable
Linux twofish 2.6.0-test7-looxt93c2 i686 GNU/Linux

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