On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 05:38:18PM -0700, A R wrote:

[quoted from subject]
|  No soundcore.o in kernel-source.2.4.21 distributed in SID

Naturally.  Object files (.o) are not provided in source packages.
They are found in binary packages only.

| When I compiled my kernel image, I made sure that soundcore was
| selected.

What do you mean by "selected"?  Did you choose "Y" or "M"?  It makes
a difference!

| However, I can't find it!
| hpd:~# insmod soundcore
[snip 20K of output]
| insmod: soundcore: no module by that name found
| hpd:~#

| Can I just copy a "soundcore.o" into 
| /lib/modules/2.4.21/kernel/drivers/sound/
| Will that work? (Where would I get iyt from?)

It will only work *if* the copy you get is binary compatible with the
rest of your kernel.  Its not likely you would find such a thing.
Instead configure your copy so that it is built as it ought to be.

| Any ideas?

If you choose "Y" for CONFIG_SOUND then you don't have it as a module
and instead it is always in your kernel.  You can check with the
following command :
    $ grep -i sound /boot/config-2.4.21 | grep -v "not set" 

Not only will you need soundcore (which it seems that you have since
the emu10k1 module was able to load and find your sound card.  Also
check in the config file (see the above command) and ensure that
CONFIG_SOUND_EMU10K1 is set (either to 'Y' for built-in or 'M' for

I don't have 2.4.21 anymore so I can't readily check that it is an
option there, but certainly 2.4.22 has that option.  (I highly doubt
that is a new change from .21->.22)


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Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
        John 8:31-32

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