Am Mittwoch, 29. August 2012 schrieb Camaleón:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2012 12:27:20 +0530, bakshi12 wrote:
> > I have gone through some online docs on ubuntu derived upstar-job
> > mechanism and its simplicity has drawn my attention. Same time the
> > apparent incompatibility with sysv-init is also there. Has anyone is
> > using that in running debian system. How does it work ? Does it need
> > to rewrite all /etc/init.d/${scripts}  ?
> IIRC, years ago it was suggested that Debian was going to jump to
> upstart¹ as the default booting mechanism but then systemd started to
> gain more popularity as a replacement for system v.
> With my admin's hat on, I prefer the old and well-know sysvinit because
> I don't need anything special for the booting process but I understand
> that people with specific requirements (or those called "early
> adopters") are awaiting for a change.
> That said, I'm completetely unaware about the current status for
> upstart/ systemd in Debian, but according to the above mailing
> list/announce post and the wiki², both systems should be already
> available and operative.
> ¹
> ²

Systemd definately works on this ThinkPad T520, a ThinkPad T23, a T42
and a FTS Esprimo workstation with Debian Sid.

I especially love that:

martin@merkaba:~> systemd-analyze 
Startup finished in 3857ms (kernel) + 2531ms (userspace) = 6389ms

Systemd can also tell for each service how long it takes for startup.

And that:

martin@merkaba:~> systemctl status ssh.service
ssh.service - LSB: OpenBSD Secure Shell server
          Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/ssh)
          Active: active (running) since Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:18:02 +0200; 21h 
         Process: 1313 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/ssh start (code=exited, 
          CGroup: name=systemd:/system/ssh.service
                  └ 1394 /usr/sbin/sshd

Aug 29 10:33:49 merkaba sshd[31682]: Accepted publickey for ms from […] port 
39674 ssh2
Aug 29 14:33:03 merkaba sshd[22933]: Accepted publickey for ms from […] port 
57103 ssh2
Aug 29 14:33:03 merkaba sshd[22933]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for 
user ms by (uid=0)
Aug 29 15:37:11 merkaba sshd[1322]: Accepted publickey for ms from […] port 
57105 ssh2
Aug 29 15:38:09 merkaba sshd[1370]: Accepted publickey for ms from […] port 
57106 ssh2
Aug 29 15:38:09 merkaba sshd[1370]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for 
user ms by (uid=0)

Still most services are started by init scripts, such as SSH in above example.

That CGroup tracking works also with child processes, so I can know at
once the processes that long to a certain service.

I am quite vary about Pulseaudio, but I do like systemd ;)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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