> It is something that Debian made up. It sounds better than saying
> "large set of heavy and bloated desktop programs". :-) I don't run a
> desktop session like GNOME or KDE. Nor LXDE or XFCE either for that
> matter. I, and you too apparently, only run the X window system with
> a simple window manager.

Hi Bob,

You bring up an interesting point. I am running XFCE, and that is because
the limited amount of research I did into window managers told me it was
the simplest "complete" solution, and I did not have time to learn how to
configure a simple system.

As a DBA, the only use I have ever had for a GUI was creating an XP VM
to load MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser on, way back
when I was studying for the certs. I do everything else in a CLI, either a
real terminal (if that is the correct term for TTYs), or an XTerm (Terminal
in XFCE). When I came on board here everyone was using phpmyadmin
and phppgadmin. I gave up on both of those after about five minutes and
went back to mysql and psql. I have never installed a GUI on a Linux
server, and I even do Microsoft through a command prompt more often
than not.

That being said, my current position involves supporting a Drupal driven
front-end to my DB backends, as well as custom PHP/Javascript pages, so I
have no choice but to run a GUI of some type. I would like to learn to do so
with a minimal footprint if you would be willing to share some tips. I find
my primary use of the GUI is email, the web apps I have to support, and
Guayadeque for my classical music fixes. I know there are text based
versions of all, and I use Lynx quite extensively and Alpine to a lesser degree
(everyone is into "multimedia" email these days *sigh*). Other than those,
all I really need is dual monitors so I can update things in Terminal and
refresh the page in the web browser, and a locking screen saver, for which
xscreensaver works just fine. In fact I wouldn't mind just having TTY1 on
one monitor and the GUI on the other if that is possible.

So, if you don't mind, what do you use, and how much time is involved in
setting it up?


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