On Ma, 11 sep 12, 21:56:44, Stephen Powell wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 02:10:01 -0400 (EDT), Andrei Popescu wrote:
> > 
> > What does 
> > 
> >     speaker-test -c2 -t wav
> > 
> > do (both as user and root)?
> It works!  Both as root and as a normal user.  Amazing!  

At least you know that the alsa layer is ok.

> So why does aplay fail?  It's a mystery to me!

Please post the output of 'aplay -l' and 'aplay -L'.

> > Assuming you really want to keep Gnome there are several workarounds for 
> > that:
> > - just remove the gnome-core metapackage and keep all other dependencies
> > - equivs (either build a replacement metapackage or a replacement 
> >   dependency)
> > - dpkg --force-depends
> As much as I dislike pulseaudio (I wish everyone would use alsa), it is
> evident that this is the future direction of Debian; so I would like to
> find a way for pulseaudio and alsa to peacefully coexist if possible.

Since ALSA is the driver level pulseaudio has to coexist with it ;) 
However, I don't see why you think Debian is so much into pulseaudio. It 
just happens to be used by the currently[2] default desktop.

[1] I have experimented with pulseaudio to reroute audio to a different 
machine via the network, but the setup seemed too complicated and 
fragile for me so I just use the laptop's speakers for the occasional 
youtube video or so.

[2] There is a discussion going on on debian-devel whether it will be 
kept as default.

Kind regards,
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