On Ma, 16 oct 12, 11:30:41, Lisi wrote:
> Hello, all!
> I have searched Wikipedia and the Debian wiki.  I have Googled.  I am clearly 
> using the wrong search terms, although I tried rewording in sundry different 
> ways.
> Approximately, in round terms, how may packages are available in Debian 
> (Squeeze?)
> 1. in main
> 2. in main, contrib and non-free

Source or binary packages? If you consider source packages then Open 
Office counts as one package, but if you consider binary packages it 
will be a lot more (especially since Debian Maintainers have the good 
habit of splitting big packages to accommodate various use cases.
> I have an idea of roughly 20,000 in my head, but cannot remember why I think 
> it and it may be vastly out.  Nor into which of my two categories the figure 
> falls, if by any miracle it is correct.

http://www.debian.org/intro/about mentions "over 29000". aptitude gets 
me 43004 binary packages for squeeze (i386, of which contrib 271 and 
non-free 583) so those should be source packages:

$ aptitude search ~Astable | wc -l
$ aptitude search ~Astable~scontrib | wc -l
$ aptitude search ~Astable~snon-free | wc -l

(~s works because the archive component is part of the section name for 
packages not in main)

Kind regards,
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