Andreas Rönnquist grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
>[I wrote]:
>> It will spit back a list of all packages that provide that filename or
>> any part of it.  It's treated like a substring - for example if I type
>> "urpmf kross" it will list the package that provides /usr/bin/kross,
>> and will then go on to show other packages that have that string in
>> it like /usr/lib64/ and so on.  This can be controlled
>> by entering something like "urpmf /usr/bin/kcross", though other
>> things in /usr/bin that start with "kcross" will also show up.
>> I haven't figured or found out yet how to get that kind of search
>> functionality within Debian.  So as above, is there a way to do this,
>> and if so, how?
> And in addition to Neals answer, there is also apt-file that can be
> used like this:
> apt-file search <something>
> apt-file list <package>
> - before doing apt-file search, you should run apt-file update.
> See the manpage for more info.

Thanks to both you and Neal for the replies.  Interesting to see the
multiple ways of getting the same information. :-)

In my Google searching, I had come upon a fairly old forum posting
referencing apt-file, but when I tried typing that command in, I got a
"not found" - turns out that the program wasn't installed by default
when I installed Debian.  I came to the wrong conclusion that it was
part of the "apt" system and must have been removed somewhere along the
way from the time of the posting.  Guess that's what I get for not
bothering to do an "aptitude search" for it to see if it was a separate
package.  Duh. :-)

I've installed it and tested it, and it's working exactly the way I
want, so thanks again!


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