On Lu, 31 dec 12, 12:58:05, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Thore wrote:
> > Another question is: How must I configure it that I only can login
> > with the user password my passphrase for the key and the keys?
> > so tripple protection against brute force.
> I recommend not to do this.  Make sure you have a good non-guessable
> password and then don't use it unless you need it.  If you don't use
> it then it can't be sniffed.  If it is secure then it can't be
> guessed.  In which case it isn't safer to disable it.  And having it
> available for that emergency when you need it is very useful.

I understood that Thore wants to have triple "authentication": 
passphrase for the key, the key *and* the user password.

Kind regards,
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