On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 03:52:24PM -0500, Mark Filipak wrote:
> On 2013/2/27 3:45 PM, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> >* On 2013 27 Feb 14:25 -0600, Mark Filipak wrote:
> >
> >>What a nonsensical statement. I've never successfully installed any
> >>distribution of Linux.
> >
> >Not even on an empty hard drive on commodity x86 hardware?  I find this
> >admission so absurd that I can't get my head around it.  Although, your
> >definition of "successful" may be different than mine.  I define
> >"successful" as the OS booting to a login prompt after installation,
> >either GUI or character.
> The only result of my attempted installations has been cryptic error messages 
> and non-bootable disks.
> I have asked for help over the period of 15 years and Linux-knuckleheads have 
> offered none.
> All I've ever gotten is platitudes and "Windoze sucks!"

Out of curiosity, how do you account for the thousands of people,
including myself, who have successfully installed, and are using, 
various linux distributions even as I type this? Either I must be a
genius or you must be a moron. The conclusion that you're a troll is

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
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