Verde Denim wrote:
> I have a long list of updates today for Wheezy. I was wondering - since
> I am using Oracle Java on this particular machine, would it interfere
> with this config to install the updates to OpenJDK and IcedTea? (I'm
> wondering if the current config using Oracle Java would get overwritten)...

You are asking a question that probably only you know.  It depends
upon where you installed Oracle Java.  For example, anything that you
install in /usr/local is always yours and safe from any system
upgrade.  In my opinion I would never smash over system files with
locally installed files because of just this reason.  (But people do
it all of the time anyway.)

Where did you install your local installation of Oracle Java?  Did you
install it in /usr/local?  Did you install it in /home?  If so then
you are safe.  /usr/local is always safe.


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