Ooops!  This should have gone to the list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: SSDT - Any more ideas??
Date:   Wed, 20 Mar 2013 21:30:04 -0700
From:   Marc Shapiro <>

On 03/20/2013 09:20 PM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:
On 03/20/2013 11:34 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
On 20/03/13 05:17 PM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:
See Below...

Dear List -

I am having problems writing and performing bunzip on the image of FreeDOS

{If this is not a "Good Question", please tell me how to improve it.}

Here is what I did:

1] Plugged and unplugged the USB stick /var/log/messages told me it was /dev/sdf

2] Downloaded the image:
ethan@rosenberg:~$ ls -lt Downloads|more
total 1434800
-rw-r--r-- 1 ethan ethan 32505856 Mar 20 14:02 FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img

3] Attempted a dd
 history |grep of

 dd if=/home/ethan/Downloads/FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img.bz2of=/dev/sdf1
 dd if=/home/ethan/Downloads/FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img.bz2 of=/dev/sdf1/
 dd if=/home/ethan/Downloads/FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img.bz2 of=/dev/sdf/
 dd if=/home/ethan/Downloads/FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img.bz2 of=/dev/sdf

mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdf1 is mounted on /media/usb1
rosenberg:/media# ls /media/usb1
rosenberg:/media# ls -l /media/usb1
total 0

I can't find the file. What have I done wrong?

Dear List

Should I format the stkick FAT16?

rosenberg:/media# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sdf: 4051 MB, 4051697664 bytes
125 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1021 cylinders, total 7913472 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xf8d6f7dd

Disk /dev/sdf doesn't contain a valid partition table

First off, the boot image is a .bz2 file. That is a bzip2 compressed file. You need to unzip it to make it into an image file.

From reading the comments on the page for the USB download, it appears that you should dd the image to /dev/sdf. Apparently it contains the MBR and a partition table. Next you can mount the USB key partition 1 (/dev/sdf1) somewhere and copy the bios update program and the updated bios file to it. Finally, reboot to the USB key and run the bios update program.

Gary -


I'm doing something wrong and can't figure it out.

Downloaded and unzipped -
rosenberg:/home/ethan/DOSutil# ls -lh
total 32M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  31M Mar 21 00:02 FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 115K Mar 21 00:02 FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img.bz2

Attempt dd -
rosenberg:/home/ethan/DOSutil# dd if=FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img of=/media/usbstick/FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img
dd: opening `/media/usbstick/FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img': Input/output error

Where is my error?


If I am understanding what you are trying to do then...

If the usbstick is /dev/sdf then the output file of the dd command should be /dev/sdf (the unmounted device) NOT /media/usbstick/FreeDOS-1.1-USB-Boot.img (a file in the filesystem on the mounted device). The image IS a filesystem, which should be written to the device not to a file IN a filesystem ON the device

Marc Shapiro

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