Hello hans,

> Am Mittwoch, 17. April 2013 schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
>> Linux greer 3.2.6 #1 SMP Mon Feb 20 17:05:10 CST 2012 i686 GNU/Linux
>>  22:35:31 up 412 days, 10:05,  1 user,  load average: 1.18, 0.97, 0.44
> Great, but beat this! More than 500 days. At about 650 days uptime I rebooted 
> accidentlly. 
> See the message from netrcraft. This was a a mailserver, some years ago, 
> running postfix, debian-i386.
Now I applaud a long uptime but... After a kernel upgrade or a Debian point 
release one must or should do a reboot or the updates are not applied so.... 
Someone running an uptime of 400+ days probably never applied any of the kernel 
or libX patches. If that is wise.... ?

I do server updates when the Debian patches are released, usually within 2 
days. Using checkrestart form the debian-goodies I test which services I need 
to restart, if any.
After a kernel update I do a reboot of the server, after a point release 
usually too.

I remember from the good old Novell Netware days that we had uptime contests 
too, some well over 2 years, posting "screenshots" to prove it. Untill someone 
found out how to manipulate the timer and posted an uptime longer then the 
existence of Novell netware. ;-)

Bonno Bloksma

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