I wrote:
(As an aside, it would be nice if there was a single page linked to from the docs of all such related packages that summarised them all together, along with the interrelationship dependencies)

and Roberto responded:
There is.  At the very bottom of each page for the individual packages,
is this statement:

Ron Lee is responsible for this Debian package. See the "developer information for wxwin2.4-doc."

The quoted (my quotes) part is a hyperlink which goes to:


That page lists news, all the binary packaes, their version, and other
bits of info.

What I meant was a page that *explained* what each package was and under what circumstances each particular group of packages should be downloaded. Remember I have the viewpoint of somebody who is essentially not interested in wxWindows; certainly not interested in developing it, or for that matter doing development using it. I only need it to build an application for which there is *not* a Debian package, AFAIK. So I have to work out the dependencies myself for wxWindows, about which I know nothing and hopefully shouldn't need to know anything.

If I go to wxWindows own site, there isn't a complicated list of so many packages; I would just choose one package, download and install it. But somebody (Ron Lee?) has decided that it is better to have many packages. Unless they tell me the rationale behind this, how can I appreciate the logic and wisdom?

So as a specific example, which Debian packages should I install to get the same effect as clicking on the Unix/GTK+ link on the wxWindows download site? (which is what the author of the application package recommends to new users.) How am I supposed to discover this correspondence?

Thanks and regards,

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