Last night  I stupidly did 'sudo update-menus', and shortly afterwards I
had to reboot. Now I cant get into any desktop environment [fluxbox,
lxde,razor,etc] and I keep getting this message showing in the fluxbox
login logs ;-
BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.
another window manager already running on display:0
Error: Couldn't find screens to manage.
Make sure you don't have another window manager running.

When I try to login to fluxbox it starts up, but very soon descends to a
black screen before dumping me back at the lightdm login prompt. Whilst
trying to track down the problem I found that /home/boztu/.Xauthority was
owned by root, so that was chowned back to eh user, and I then tried to log
in again but unsuccessfully.

I've googled for that error message but haven't been able to find any
useful articles/hints as to how to get round it.

When I log out of my current DE before trying to get into fluxbox, I'm
certain that I've totally logged out of any window managers,but its still
finding some,even from a shut-down system! i.e. even when I start with a
fresh setup from shutdown, its still giving me that error message so I'm
now totally confused.

Heres hoping that some kind soul is able to shed light on this strange
setup atm?

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
Debian Wheezy,  Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice,
Registered Linux user 334501

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