Brad Alexander:
> I am having a problem with my roundcube installation since I upgraded my
> sid box 2 days ago. It's probably a simple fix, but I'm hoping some web
> guru can help me find it. Apache2 was upgraded from 2.2.3 to 2.4.4, and
> apparently there were a goodly number of changes.

Yes. Apache 2.4 has an almost completely new config file format. I
imagine the Apache config provided by Roundcube (you installed roundcube
using apt?) has not been adapted yet.

> Once I found this problem, I started getting 403 Forbidden errors. The root
> cause of this turned out to be the change of syntax in the config files
> from Allow from all/Deny from all to Require all granted/Require all
> denied. I fixed these, so now, I'm getting a blank page, and nothing in the
> apache2 error log.

Did you increase Roundcube's debug level in /etc/roundcube/

I wish I had been aware enough to enjoy my time as a toddler.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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