On Lu, 10 iun 13, 04:04:41, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I think -- maybe I should ask it to shut down wifi altogether (using the 
> network manager's menu, and then ask it to turn it on again.  Maybe then 
> it will rescan.

Yes, it will.
> But instead, after turning it off, the item has vanished from the menu, 
> and I can find no way to get it back.

What item from which menu? I'm assuming you mean the "Enable Wi-Fi" item 
in the nm-applet right-click menu.

> It looks as if somewhere Linux has got the idea that wifi is supposed to 
> be off, and upon boot it tells the BIOS to disable the WLAN device.  And 
> then the network manager thinks I don't have a wifi device and refuses to 
> give me any options to turn it on again.

As far as I recall Network Manager is using rfkill to disable the 
WiFi[1]. See if the command 'rfkill' helps.

[1] this generally is not such a bad idea, because it will save power.

Kind regards,
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